Effective Presentation. Develop an idea and persuade it is a good idea.

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

This is not a common PowerPoint or Public Speaking course! This course is for those who want to learn how to structure a presentation effectively, highlighting the logic of the arguments and using graphs and images to be persuasive.


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CHF 1.200,00



This is not a common PowerPoint or Public Speaking course! This course is for those who want to learn how to structure a presentation effectively, highlighting the logic of the arguments and the use of graphs and images to be persuasive.

Very few people know that the greatest part of the presentation effectiveness resides in the logical organisation and the layout of the produced document. Big consultancy groups invest time and money to teach their consultants the best strategies to make effective presentations.

This training will provide you with the secrets on how to provide a readable structure to their presentations while being attractive and convincing. The course is highly interactive and both theoretical and practical.


Managers, consultants, professionals and whoever needs to produce presentations aimed at internal or external clients.

Tools used during the training

  • PowerPoint and Excel are required.
  • XMind (https://www.xmind.net), even the free version, is optional but highly recommended. Alternatively, another Mind Mapping tool.


Neuroscience applied to presentation design

Understand how the brain organises information

  • How Working Memory works and its limits
  • Finding a meaning/order in the human brain
  • How our brain structures information and arguments

Gestalt neuroscience

  • How the brain perceives diversity
  • How the brain collects information

How to use the subliminal perception principles to deliver a message

  • Pre-attentive perception and attentive perception
  • The elaboration of visual perception

Presentation Design

How to structure communication in an effective and persuasive way

  • How to make sure the interlocutor synchronizes with the logic we want to transmit
  • Persuade with a deductive logic
  • Persuade with an inductive logic
  • Connect the arguments with narrative

Strategies for an attractive introduction and conclusion

  • The introduction as a “story”
  • The background information
  • Adding a twist to the story
  • Generating curiosity and interest
  • Guiding the interlocutor’s mind using narration and logic
  • Techniques for leaving a key message when concluding

Use of images

  • Evocative images
  • Descriptive images
  • Bullet pointing

The Use of tables

  • Use tables to identify measures within categories
  • Use tables to compare measures within categories

How to build complex graphs with basics building blocks.

  • Horizontal bar: rank
  • Vertical bar: compare
  • Points: correlate
  • Line chart: trend
  • Small multiples: putting things together

The use of other graphical elements

  • Gantt charts
  • Process presentation
  • Organizational chart
  • Multimedia and infographic

Using media to convey your idea

The slide

  • The graphical design
  • The “Navigator”
  • “Lead in”
  • The slide title and its function
  • The references
  • Logos

Written Documents

  • Alignment
  • Font
  • Structure and indentation

Public speaking

  • How to convey your idea in gesture and movement
  • How to convert a slide for a public speaking performance

Other tools

  • Prezi
  • Keynote
  • ...

8 reviews for Effective Presentation. Develop an idea and persuade it is a good idea.

  1. Italian

    Claudia Scholz - Città di Lugano

    Ricco di spunti e nuovi insight! Ciò che si impara si lascia applicare in diversissimi campi e su diversissimi temi.

  2. English

    Claudia Scholz - Città di Lugano

    Ricco di spunti e nuovi insight! Ciò che si impara si lascia applicare in diversissimi campi e su diversissimi temi.

  3. Italian

    Tatjana Ibraimovic - Città di Lugano

    Un corso utile per imparare a strutturare un discorso e presentazione argomentativa. Molti altri spunti interessanti e molti i campi di applicazione.

  4. English

    Tatjana Ibraimovic - Città di Lugano

    Un corso utile per imparare a strutturare un discorso e presentazione argomentativa. Molti altri spunti interessanti e molti i campi di applicazione.

  5. English

    Giulio Deraita (SBB FFS)

    Ho imparato tanto in poco tempo, e soprattutto divertendomi.

  6. English

    Jean Claude Gurrieri (Ferrovie Federali Svizzere FFS)

    Il corso Presentazioni efficaci è una di quelle formazioni, secondo me, imprescindibili se si lavora in ambito vendita, key account management e project management. Fornisce tools molto pratici, utilissimi nel contesto lavorativo, specificatamente nella preparazione delle presentazioni e, grazie ad un metodo concettuale ingegnoso, assicura davvero che ogni presentazione sia efficace e vincente!

  7. Italian

    Giulio Deraita (SSB FFS)

    Ho imparato tanto in poco tempo, e soprattutto divertendomi.

  8. Italian

    Jean Claude Gurrieri (Key Account Manager - Ferrovie Federali Svizzere FFS)

    Il corso Presentazioni efficaci è una di quelle formazioni, secondo me, imprescindibili se si lavora in ambito vendita, key account management e project management. Fornisce tools molto pratici, utilissimi nel contesto lavorativo, specificatamente nella preparazione delle presentazioni e, grazie ad un metodo concettuale ingegnoso, assicura davvero che ogni presentazione sia efficace e vincente!

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