HR selection & assessment. Scientific Method and Artificial Intelligence (AI). (For HR Specialists)

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 3 days
Price: 1.800 CHF

Watch the presentation of the course (ITA)

Selection and assessment (S&A) are two of the most critical processes in HRM. Therefore, a scientific approach should be viewed as a MUST. This training provides a complete and clear picture of S&A's tools, methodologies, and evidence-based techniques in S&A and tips about leveraging AI and ChatBot to boost such a scientific approach. In the end, participants will be able to build a complete, evidence-based selection process from scratch and leverage the power of ChatBots to support some critical steps.


CHF 1.800,00



Selection and assessment are two of the most critical processes in Human Resources management. A scientific and evidence-based approach to selection and cost-effective assessment should be the base for the scientific management of HR.

This training provides a complete and clear picture of the tools, methodologies, and most effective evidence-based techniques for selection. In addition, this course will give some tips on how to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) of ChatBots to support some critical steps of the selection process.

Take away

  • A clear picture of the selection process in the context of HRM and performance measurements.
  • A toolbox of the best scientific-based tools and methodologies for your organisation.
  • A practical guide to calculating and providing your CEO with numeric evidence about your selection strategy's impact on future performance and behaviours.
  • A process for adding a Competencies Model to your organisation.
  • How to use AI and other tools to design and implement key selection steps.

This course combines theoretical frameworks and practical exercises. Participants will be asked to practice what they learned and integrate the scientific approach into their daily routine. In the end, participants can build a complete, evidence-based selection process from scratch and leverage the power of AI to support some essential steps.
A simulation with a role-play scenario will complete the course.


HRM professionals.


Employee Selection in the Context of HRM

  • WRCs (Work-related characteristics)
  • KSAs – (Knowledge, skills and abilities)
  • Development of a selection program

Job performance: concepts and measures

  • Task performance
  • Organisation citizenship behaviour
  • Adaptive performance
  • Counterproductive work behaviour

The validity of the selection process: is your selection process valid for what?

  • Reliability of the selection process
  • Validity of the selection process
  • Validity vs Reliability
  • The three basic validation processes
    • Content validity
    • Criterion-related validity
    • Construct validity
  • Validity generalisation studies
  • Job Component Validation
  • Validation option for a small organisation or a small number of applicants/incumbent
  • The Utility Analysis: estimate the monetary return of investment of the selection process

Process and Methods of Job Analysis

  • The process of job analysis in the context of HR selection
  • Methods of job analysis
    • Interviews
    • Questionnaires
    • Critical Incident Technique
    • SME Workshop

Process and Methods of Competency Models

  • Job Analysis vs Competency Models
  • Process of Competency Model in the context of HR selection
  • Methods of Competency Model
    • – The "universal" Great Eight Competencies
    • – The development of a customised competency model
    • – The acquisition of a pre-packaged competency model

Ability Testing

  • History of ability test in the selection
  • Cognitive ability tests
  • The validity of cognitive ability tests
  • Cognitive ability test and adverse impact
  • Mental ability tests and the internet
  • Effect of practice and coaching
  • Mechanical ability test
  • Clerical ability test
  • Physical abilities analysis

Personality Testing

  • Definition and use of personality in selection
  • Personality measurement methods
    • The Barnum Effect
    • Big 5 personality inventory
    • Core Self Evaluation: self-esteem, self-efficacy, locus of control. emotional stability
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Proactive Personality
    • The dark side of personality: Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy

Type of test

  • Self-Reported
  • Observer Rating Of Personality
  • Interview
  • Projective Techniques
  • Facking
    • Lie scale
    • Correction for distortion
  • Role of technology
  • Simulation tests
  • Consistency of behaviour
  • Work samples
  • Assessment centres
    • The reality slack: everything that you have ever been told about assessment centre ratings is confounded
    • Exercise vs dimension-centric perspectives
    • AC design and development

Selection measures

  • Application form and biodata assessments
  • Training and experience (T&E) evaluations
  • Reference checks

The role of AI (ChatBot) in the selection and assessment of evidence-based

  • Use CHATGPT as an aid in identifying the variables to evaluate in the selection
  • Use CHATGPT to support building a selection interview

Watch the presentation of the course (ITA)


The documentation used in the classroom will be made available for consultation to participants through the LMS (Learning Management System) for one year from the course date.

2 reviews for HR selection & assessment. Scientific Method and Artificial Intelligence (AI). (For HR Specialists)

  1. Simone Valtin, Resp. del Personale, Emil Frey SA

    Un corso eccezionale e unico che avevo cercato da parecchio tempo.
    Complimenti a Roberto per la bravura come trainer.

  2. Elisa Biacchi, HR Assistant, Mikron Switzerland AG, Agno

    Ho avuto il piacere di partecipare al corso "Human resource selection and assessment (advanced)" e l'ho trovato davvero illuminante.
    Roberto e Marco hanno fornito spiegazioni chiare e dettagliate e hanno dimostrato completa disponibilità nel rispondere alle domande.
    Corso molto valido, consigliatissimo!

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