Team Building with action methods

Action Methods are ones of the most effective ways to team building; wisely carried out, it allows to establish and strengthen team-based skills such as collaboration, positive-competition, conflict resolution as well as personal abilities such as self-efficacy, communication, adaptability, etc.
The advantage of using AM compared to other traditional approaches (team cooking, escape rooms, etc.), lies in the ability to address the specific organisational learning needs through a wise choice of the most appropriates exercises.



Action Methods in team building

Sociometrics, sociodrama, psychodrama are sophisticated techniques that use Action Methods (AM) to develop the “tele”, or intergroup relations, as well as the spontaneity and creativity of individual participants. Action Methods are ones of the most effective ways to team building; wisely carried out, it allows to establish and strengthen team-based skills such as collaboration, positive-competition, conflict resolution as well as personal abilities such as self-efficacy, communication, adaptability, etc.
The advantage of using AM compared to other traditional approaches (team cooking, escape rooms, etc.), lies in the ability to address the specific organisational learning needs through a wise choice of the most appropriates exercises.

Structure of the Workshop

  • Duration: half a day.
  • Contest: an indoor or outdoor space large enough to contain the group.
  • Easy dressing.
  • Use of materials (colours, objects, masks, clothes, etc.) depending on the objectives.

Workshop development

The workshop is structured in 5 phases:

  1. Warmup
  2. The team at a glance
  3. Team Building
  4. Sharing
  5. Salutation


The psychophysical warmup is achieved through funny activities that create a relaxed and open atmosphere. The warmup is an excellent opportunity to encourage positive spontaneity and creativity (Griffith, 2003).

The team at a glance

Sociometry allows each member to recognise the team structure at a glance, based on the spatial disposition of the group members. In particular, it will enable participants to get information on others, to provide insights on themselves, to discover similarities and differences from different perspectives such as origins, interests, roles, experiences, professional styles, backgrounds, etc. (Moreno, 2007).

Team building

This phase aims to create and/or deepen the mutual understanding of team members, fostering a welcoming and enduring positive atmosphere for everyone.

Examples of many possible activities include:

  • My professional story through my favourite songs
  • My business cards: art therapy and self-expression from an unusual point of view
  • What my briefcase tells about me…
  • Masquerade party: an original way to get to know each other …

As explained, AM allows staging a multitude of dynamics (collaborative, competitive, funny, reflective, creative, etc.) based on the organisation’s purpose.


Each member of the group has the opportunity to convey something of her/himself (emotions, thoughts, feedbacks, etc.). This phase introduces new emotional and psychic material favouring the process of individual creativity and team building.


Created by the group for the group. For example, through the theatrical technique of sculpture.


The value of AM lies in the possibility of dressing the workshop in a personalised way. For example, if the organisation wants to celebrate its traditions, it is possible to represent an organisational “timeline”, using pictures, narratives, artefacts that evoke the most important corporate events. Participants understand and appreciate a Team Building tailored for them, and identify themselves with the organisation.


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