Culture, Climate & Social Network Analysis

Measure Organisational Climate Analysis (OCA) and Social Network Analysis (SNA). 
Rely on an scientific, evidence-based approach.


Culture, Climate and Social Network patterns predict many fundamental organisational outcomes, such as engagement, employee satisfaction, safety motivation, leadership, etc. We will use a quantitative approach to identify critical variables, measure and analyse them and provide thorough insights for effective interventions.


Organizational Culture is defined as a "set of shared values that guide the employees' interactions with peers, management, and clients" (Quinn & McGrath, 1985).
Culture includes beliefs about the organizational purpose, performance criteria, the location of authority, legitimate bases of power, decision-making orientations, style of leadership, compliance, evaluations, motivation, health, and safety.

Organisational Climate is defined as "the employees' perceptions of their organization's behaviours" (James & Jones, 1974; James & Sells, 1981) and can be understood as a surface manifestation of culture (Schein, 1985; Schneider, 1990).

We will be inspired by Quinn and Rohrbaugh's concurrent value framework (CVF) and other scientific model. We will see what dimensions measure organisational climate represent them using charts and dashboards. We will use OLAP tools to analyse and visualise the data.


Climate is known to predict many fundamental organisational outcomes, such as: job satisfaction (employee satisfaction), stress, (Individual) Job performance, employee motivation, safety motivation.
Example of the Organizational Climate Dashboard.
The bullet graphs represent some of the dimensions of the organizational climate compared to targets. All data has been anonymized.


The Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a methodology for analysing social relations developed from the early contributions of Jacob Levi Moreno, the founder of sociometry, a science that analyses interpersonal relationships.

This approach is precious when assessing organisational cohesion and when members work remotely (smart working / teleworking). We will use this methodology to understand the degree of interconnectedness between the organisation members. We will use dedicated software to analyse and visually represent the climate and the network.


SNA reveals the following constructs: social cohesion, perceived social support, perceived management support, non-formal organisations, non-formal leadership, organisational clans, degree of connection between geographically distributed organisations.
An organisational sociogram on leadership. All data has been altered and anonymized.
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