Change Management

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

The discipline of Change Management is no longer a “nice to have”; it has become a “must” at all organizational levels. Managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals are increasingly called to lead the change. The course equips the change leader with methodologies and operational tools to effectively lead a change in the entire organization and a singular individual.


CHF 1.200,00



The discipline of Change Management is no longer a “nice to have”; it has become a “must” at all organizational levels. Managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals are increasingly called to lead the change.

However, a natural talent to drive change alone is often insufficient; you need practical methods and techniques. The course equips the change leader with methodologies and operational tools to effectively lead a change in the entire organization and for a single individual.

In addition, the course provides the necessary “survival kit” that every change leader must have to deal effectively with the inevitable difficulties and hardships that a process of this type involves.


CEOs, managers, leaders, HRs, and everyone called to lead a personal or organizational change.


Change Basics

  • Levels 1 and 2 of Change
  • Organizational change vs. personal change: different approach, same strategy
  • Types of change: incremental, strategic, anticipatory, reactive
  • Systems and feedback: understanding stability and instability
  • Change Management Models

Leading the personal change

  • The ABC model for understanding and teaching personal change
  • Positive and negative reinforcement
  • Values, emotions, thoughts and behaviours while changing
  • The Kevin Polk matrix
  • The avoidance trap

Leading the organizational change

  • The Congruence Model
  • Peter Drucker’s prophecies for the 21st century
  • Developing the Senge‘s Learning Organization
  • Change Models:
    • Organizational Frame Bending
    • The Hayes model
  • The Kotter’s Lead Change model
    • Establish a sense of urgency
    • Forming a powerful guiding coalition
    • Creating a vision
    • Communicating the vision
    • Empowering others to act on the vision
    • Planning for and creating short-term wins
    • Consolidating improvements and producing still more changes
    • Institutionalizing the new approach

Case Study: definition of a plan of organizational change based on the Kotter’s model

Survival Kit for Change Leaders

  • Operate in and above the fry
  • Court the uncommitted
  • Cook the conflict
  • Place the work where it belongs
  • Managing yourself
  • Anchor yourself


The documentation used in the classroom will be made available for consultation to participants through the LMS (Learning Management System) for one year from the course date.


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