Managing Diversity & Inclusion for team leaders with Team Coaching & Action Methods.

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

This course will provide Team Managers with theoretical and practical tools to manage diversity and inclusion. From a theoretical point of view, we will introduce the notion of diversity and inclusion, explore the classical biases related to diversity, and critically evaluate how training can overcome these limitations. From a practical point of view, we will rely on action methods to equip managers with a useful set of exercises to manage and increase the value of diversity.


CHF 1.200,00



This training is concerned with the notion of diversity and its connection with Team Management and Team Coaching. Diversity is a relatively new term that has come into common usage only in the past 15 years.

Organizations face several challenges concerning diversity. One is to instruct their team leaders to operate and behave according to inclusiveness ethics and to value diversity within their team.

This course will provide Team Managers with theoretical and practical tools to manage diversity.

From a theoretical point of view, we will introduce the notion of diversity and inclusion. We will explore the classical biases related to diversity and critically evaluate how training can overcome these limitations. From a practical point of view, we will rely on action methods to equip managers with useful exercises to manage and increase the value of diversity.


Team leaders who need a theoretical and practical method to manage diversity and inclusion in their teams.


Conceptual and theoretical meaning of diversity

Issues and concerns in diversity

  • What is diversity: rhetoric versus reality
  • Cost and benefits of diversity policies

Biases and heuristic thinking

  • The psychological role of diversity
  • Affinity Bias.
  • Gender Bias.
  • Ethnicity Bias.
  • Confirmation Bias.

Delivering diversity through Team Coaching and Action Methods

  • Team development
  • Tools for a team assessment
  • Team climate inventory (TCI)
  • Team development: the GRPI model
  • Understanding roles in teams

Action methods

  • What are action methods?
  • Sociometry, Action Sociometry, Sociodrama
  • Action sociometries and other practical interventions
  • Diversity coaching with active methods, examples and practical exercises
    • Inclusion techniques
    • Problem-solving techniques
    • Conflict resolution techniques
    • Value Diversity

Additional information

Delivery channel

In-class, Online (virtual class)


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