Mental Fitness. From stress management to psychological well-being.

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

Welcome to the HURACT Mental Fitness Course, a two-day journey to explore and develop fundamental psychological skills applicable to personal and professional life. Our goal is to provide practical tools and knowledge based on solid scientific research to help participants enhance their mental well-being and performance in various aspects of life. Exercises, techniques, models, and tools derived from third-generation cognitive-behavioural sciences, particularly ACT, Positive Psychology, and Mindfulness, will be proposed by qualified experts.

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CHF 1.200,00



Welcome to the HURACT Mental Fitness Course, a two-day journey to explore and develop fundamental psychological skills applicable to personal and professional life. Our goal is to provide practical tools and knowledge based on solid scientific research to help participants enhance their mental well-being and performance in various aspects of life.

Target Audience of the Course

This course is ideal for:

  • Professionals who wish to improve their stress management, leadership, and communication skills.
  • Athletes interested in optimizing sports performance through advanced mental fitness techniques.
  • Individuals seeking to improve personal resilience, emotional management, and problem-solving skills.


Introduction to Mental Fitness and the HURACT Model

  • What is Mental Fitness and its relation to fundamental human motivation?
  • Psychological health, mental gymnastics, social and organizational dimensions.

The Mental Fitness P.L.A.N.

The P.L.A.N. is a simple and practical map representing an individual's behaviour concerning the tendency to generate safety and well-being and the level of awareness.

Mental Fitness HURACT

  • The P (Positive) quadrant: Optimism and flow experience – what supports this state and how to pursue it.
  • The L (Learning) quadrant: Appealing to one’s values and strengths to confront adversities in a continuous learning perspective.
  • The A (Avoidance) quadrant: What psychological mechanism induces dysfunctional and counterproductive behaviour? Recognizing and managing it in time allows for reorienting choices and behaviours.
  • The N (Negative) quadrant: Training to escape the “vicious circle” that traps in stereotyped and dysfunctional behaviours.

Our self-assessment tools will enable you to identify your position in the PLAN.

Mental Fitness Skills

We will train the 6 psychological processes of Mental Fitness that develop the “mental and emotional form” suitable for proactively moving within the 4 quadrants toward safety and well-being.

  • Awareness: Mindfulness techniques and self-observation.
  • Integration: Acceptance and working with emotions.
  • Values and Strengths: Methods to identify values and strengths with our tests and activate them in daily practice.
  • Goal: Goal-setting techniques and planning.
  • Flow: Techniques to achieve and maintain the state of "flow".
  • Mindset: Developing a positive and productive mental attitude.

Practical Exercises and Case Studies

  • Practical application of skills through exercises and real scenarios.
  • Discuss case studies and share experiences.

Conclusion and Individual Action Plans

  • Final reflections and feedback.
  • Creation of a personal action plan for applying Mental Fitness in daily life.
  • This program offers a comprehensive overview of the critical aspects of HURACT Mental Fitness and allows participants to learn and apply these concepts practically and interactively.

Exercises, techniques, models, and tools derived from third-generation cognitive-behavioural sciences, particularly ACT, Positive Psychology, and Mindfulness, will be proposed by qualified experts.

The course does not authorize teaching practices learned to third parties.


At the course's end, a participation certificate will be issued. The classroom documentation will be available for consultation to participants through the LMS (Learning Management System) for one year from the course date.


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