Digital transformation (DT) could be defined as "a process that aims to improve an entity by triggering significant changes to its properties through combinations of information, computing, communication, and connectivity technologies" (Vial, 2019).
DT has altered consumers' expectations and behaviours, pressured traditional organisations and disrupted numerous business models.
DT requires organisations to adopt strategic responses to adapt their value chain and create a new business model. Hence, DT challenges individuals within organisations to adapt ad transform their daily operations according to the new paradigm.
In response to this change, employees need to develop new competencies and skills at the technical and psychological levels.
Take away
With this training, you will get:
- A clear understanding of DT in terms of process and constructs inspired by the frame model of Vial (2019).
- A clear understanding of digital competencies and skills to live in the digital era.
- A compelling vision of how DT impacts human psychology and how to get fit to exploit this opportunity using the Mental Fitness model.
Managers and team leaders need a clear understanding of the process involved in DT, the new competencies and technical abilities required and the necessary psychological skill to exploit DT proactively. Employees impacted by digital transformations.
- Defining digital transformation
- The nature of digital technologies (SMACIT)
- Digital technologies as sources of disruption
- Organisation's response to digital disruption
- Structural changes
- Organizational structure
- Organizational culture
- Leadership
- Employee roles and skills
- Social level impacts
- Organizational level impacts
- Individual level impacts
- The digital competence framework (European Commission, DigComp 2.2 framework)
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and Collaboration
- Digital content creation
- Safety
- Problem-solving
- Digital knowledge and abilities for DT
- Artificial intelligence
- Robotisation
- Internet of things
- Augmented reality
- Digitalisation
- The Mental Fitness Model (r) applied to DT
- The Psychological Skills for DT
- Sensing the DT and its impact at the psychological/emotional level
- Seizing opportunities and challenges
- Assessing your strengths in the digital world
- Transforming by planning goals and learning objectives
- Changing your mindset by exploring your digital potential
- Settle back into your groove
Train psychological skills for DT
- Assessment tools
- Exercises
Applying psychological skills for DT to overcome challenges
- Inertia
- Resistance to change
- Fear of control
- Robots/AI-human interaction
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