Smart Working or Telework represents a fantastic opportunity for knowledge workers, yet requiring new organizational skills and balance between personal and professional life.
On the one hand, the use of IT tools to support business management is useless without a proper methodology. Conversely, a methodology is incomplete without concrete operational tools.
With this course, you will learn to use methods and tools for effective personal planning and communication with your collaborators.
Take Away
- Methods and strategies for multitasking management.
- A real “Etiquette” to communicate effectively remotely with collaborators.
- A simple but effective process for scheduling one’s own private and working activities
- References to concrete operational tools (App) for time management.
Staff in Smart Working / Teleworking.
The TIME ETIQUETTE of Smart Working.
Managing Multitasking in Smart Working
- Multitasking at a personal and organizational level
- Rules for scheduling tasks
Managing communication channels in Smart Working
- Rules for managing synchronous and asynchronous channels
- Rules for management 1:1 videoconferences and meetings
Tips for an effective psychological, social and physical setting
Process and tools for Time Management in Smart Working
The importance of planning: the PDCA model for Smart Working
- Plan: organize and plan activities
- Do: assign, delegate, perform the activities
- Check: rules for defining the BNA (Best Next Activity)
- Act: management of interruptions
The tools
- Tools to manage interruptions
- The diary
- Software for Time Management (Trello, Excel)
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