Effective communication and presentation

The art of communication is not magic.
Being persuasive is not a prerogative of a few.
Effectively communicating and persuading can be learned.

Communication is (almost) all you need to succeed

Communication should be put down to almost everything a human being can achieve. It is the base of socialization and the pillar of intelligence. Every creation requires communication.

Create and communicate ideas

Generate ideas, arguments, opinions.
Public speaking.
Write compelling documents.
Create effective presentation.
Communicate quantitative information with tables, charts and dashboards.
International public speaking

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

This course is designed to be highly practical and interactive, aimed at honing your public speaking skills for real-world applications. Participants will learn the theory behind effective communication and engage in numerous practical activities to experiment and improve. A unique feature of this course is video-feedback, enabling participants to receive immediate and direct insights into their performance.

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Public Speaking

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

Would you like to become a charismatic public speaker? The ability to communicate in public (presentations, meetings) is increasingly requested in the business world. Unfortunately, only a few know the techniques to manage effective presentations. In this course, you will learn which tools to use depending on the message you want to communicate and how to use them properly.

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Smart language and listening techniques

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

With this course, you will develop high-level active listening and linguistic competence based on specific techniques you can apply in different areas of human interactions, such as one-to-one conversations, meetings and public speaking. Furthermore, this model can foster communication skills in assertiveness, negotiation, conflict management, persuasion, and coaching.

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Effective Presentation. Develop an idea and persuade it is a good idea.

INCLASS or ONLINE (hybrid class)
Duration: 2 days
Price: 1.200 CHF

This is not a common PowerPoint or Public Speaking course! This course is for those who want to learn how to structure a presentation effectively, highlighting the logic of the arguments and using graphs and images to be persuasive.


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Effective Presentation. Develop an idea and persuade it is a good idea.


Duration: 51  micro-learning modules (10-15 min)
Price: 290 EUR
Lang: IT & EN

Same content, new delivery: identical to our classroom course, now available in e-learning to fit your schedule.

Access the course on huract.online (English version)

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The basics of: Effective Presentations.

Duration: half-day intensive
Price: 300 CHF

An introductory workshop scheduled monthly on Monday morning.

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Smart data presentation with tables, graphs and dashboards.

Duration: 83  micro-learning modules (10-15 min)
Price: 290 EUR
Lang: IT & EN

Same content, new delivery: identical to our classroom course, now available in e-learning to fit your schedule.

Access the course on huract.online (English version)

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