Are you looking for a 1:1 coach?
Discover excellence in coaching with HURACT Certified Professionals 

Expertise in Third-Generation Cognitive-Behavioural Techniques. Evidence-Based, Supervised Approach. Tailored Programs for Diverse Needs. Multilingual Coaching Capabilities.

HURACT Certified Master Coach 1:1

You can contact them directly!


Coach, MSc, Cognitive Psychology in Health communication.
Languages: EN,FA,IT
MSc in Cognitive Psychology, Communication Specialist, and Certified Coach, Experience transformative personal and professional growth today!


Coach, facilitator, strategist.
Languages: EN
MA Counseling Psychology (emphasis Depth Psychology); in demand orchestral, chamber and solo musician; Trainer Educator Practitioner of Psychodrama/Sociometry by the American Board of Examiners; founder/owner of Dramatic Changes: The Center for Sound Relationships, USA.


Psychodramatist, Therapist, Coach
Languages: English, Korean
Over 15 years of experience in the field of training and therapy. Facilitate to discover and train roles, strengthen team building relationships, and promote communication.


Psicologo, psicoterapeuta, coach .
Languages: IT
Specializzato in Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamentale. Consulente per Enti del Terzo Settore.


Coach, L&D & Sales free-lance consultant
Languages: IT, EN
Coach, L&D & Sales consultant. An enthusiastic manager experiencing more than 25 years in Pharma market and focused on people development.


Senior HR Consultant, Career Coach, Psicologa
Psicologa con ventennale esperienza nella selezione del personale, attualmente libera professionista specializzata in consulenza HR e career coaching.


Coach professionista con laurea in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche
Coach professionista in ambito life e business con laurea in ambito psicologico e tesi sull’importanza del Coaching all’interno delle organizzazioni aziendali. Competenze in ambito di intelligenza emotiva, mindfulness e auto-consapevolezza.


Counselor / Coach
Languages: IT, DE, EN
Accompagno le persone nel raggiungimento dei loro obiettivi e nella trasformazione della crescita personale. People are my passion.


Public Speaking Coach & Trainer
Eliana è un’esperta di Public Speaking, Coach e Trainer.
Collabora con numerosi TEDx e affianca imprenditori, professionisti e speaker affinché raggiungano il miglior risultato nella comunicazione in pubblico.


Development Coach
Con uno strutturato background nel People Management & Development aziendale, oggi come Development Coach non voglio insegnare ma far si che le persone imparino da sé stesse, acquisiscano consapevolezza e mettano in pratica le competenze e manifestino fiducia.


Soft Skills Enabler, Coach
Il desiderio di aiutare gli altri mi ha sempre motivato e il mio scopo, attraverso il coaching, è di far emergere le qualità di ogni persona per farle raggiungere il successo desiderato.


Psicologa, Coach, Formatrice
Psicologa con indirizzo di specializzazione in psicologa del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, coach e formatrice. Svolge con passione life e business coaching da diversi anni.


Human Resources Specialist, Coach
Cristina has extensive experience in Human Resources, earned both academically and professionally through international placements.


Atleta professionista Fiamme Oro  
Sport Tiro a Segno
Riccardo Armiraglio fa parte del gruppo sportivo Fiamme Oro, della Polizia di Stato (Italia). È detentore di numerosi titoli in Italia e all’estero. È coach della squadra della Shooting Academy con cui partecipa a competizioni nazionali e internazionali.


Psicologo, specializzazione in Psicologia Sociale, Musicoterapeuta, Coach
Maurizio possiede una valida esperienza pratica della musicoterapia applicata a soggetti già sani e finalizzata a potenziare il benessere individuale. La laurea in Psicologia e la specializzazione in Psicologia Sociale gli hanno permesso di formalizzare tutte queste esperienze anche in ambito imprenditoriale e formativo.


Coach, Personal Trainer (IT)
“Mens sana in corpore sano”. Coach e Personal Trainer attivamente dedita alla promozione del benessere psicofisico a 360°. Specializzata in Neuropsicologia, Test Psicodiagnostici, Criminologia e Mindfulness.


Coach e Formatrice (IT)
Ventennale esperienza multiculturale in multinazionali di settori diversi con prevalenza per il Farmaceutico. In passato è stata Curriculum Development Manager Europea in una multinazionale farmaceutica.


Psicologa, Psicoterapeuta, Ipnologa e Coach
Specializzata in Psicoterapia Breve Strategica, Coaching e Problem Solving Strategico, con il suo percorso “Potenti Oltre Misura in 7 passi” aiuta le persone a vivere senza paura, diventando così libere e sicure.


Coach (IT, EN)
MSc Occupation Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. She is an enthusiastic coach, always exploring new way to broaden and building her students experience.


Psicologa, Coach (IT, EN)
MSc in Clinical Psychology. Educatrice professionale, specializzanda in psicoterapia cognitivo-neuropsicologica.


Psicologo, psicoterapeuta, coach (IT)
Specializzato in Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamentale. Consulente per Enti del Terzo Settore.

Chose your coaching path

We have prepared a lists of possible coaching paths for you. You may also rely on a tailor-made coaching path.
Coaching Using a Foreign Language

Duration: 10 sessions (1/1,5 hour each)
Price: 290 CHF for each session

Managers, entrepreneurs, professionals are increasingly operating in a global environment and need to master foreign languages as well as to develop themselves and therefore improve their performance at work. Learning a new language and coaching is an effective way of pursuing such aims. Coaching Using a Foreign Language (CUFLA) is an innovative approach to improves your business performance while practising your language skills.

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Coaching path for developing your optimism and happiness.

Duration: 10 sessions (1/1,5 hour each)
Price: 290 CHF for each session

Do you want to improve your well-being, optimism and happiness because you believe that being an optimist helps you to achieve your goals?  This path uses Positive Psychology, particularly the PERMA model (Seligman, 2011), to develop happiness and optimism.

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Coaching path for Stress Management

Duration: 10 sessions (1/1,5 hour each)
Price: 290 CHF for each session

Do you want to improve your skills in managing stressful periods, increasing your resilience and acting more functional behaviours? This path uses a cognitive-behavioural approach to manage non-pathological stress situations*, increasing resilience and improving performance. The participant will learn how to develop new cognitive, emotional and behavioural resources through six key psychological processes determined by the ACT model.

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Coaching for Public Speaking

Duration: 4 sessions (3 hour each)
Price: 580 CHF for each session

Do you have to do a presentation in public, and wish to brush up your stage management, persuasion and communication skills to convey an idea?
This coaching has a highly practical nature. The ideal would be that you have a real presentation to do so that you can use it as a case study. The video-feedback method will be used intensively. This coaching focuses on helping the coachee to organise logic and persuasive argument and to accurately convey it trough the specific tool used (i.e. PowerPoint, Word, Prezi, etc.).

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Coaching for Performance with self-hypnosis

Duration: 4 sessions (3 hour each)
Price: 580 CHF for each session

Do you want to improve your professional or academic performance and are you open to learning self-hypnosis as an empowering factor?
This coaching path is for those who feel the need to go beyond the objectives already achieved in the professional and academic field, through a personal path of enhancing their strengths, the definition of a personalized development plan and the learning of non-clinical self-hypnosis as an enhancing factor.

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Coaching for Performance

Duration: 5 sessions (1/1,5 hour each)
Price: 290 CHF for each session

Do you want to improve your professional or academic performances? This coaching path uses a cognitive-behavioural approach to enhance the coachee’s strengths and improve their performance. The underlying models are the Positive Psychology (Seligman, 2012) and, in particular, the GROW approach (Whitmore, 2017) and the solution-focused-approach (O’Connel, 2012).

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